A journey through history, art and countryside in Umbria, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Italy.
Call us on 01707 817260
Or, email us at customersupport@rambleworldwide.co.uk
Call us on 01707 817260
Or, email us at customersupport@rambleworldwide.co.uk
During January, we're now open till 5pm on Saturday, and till 7pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Call to book or to speak to an expert.
Sat, 30 Jan 2016
Wednesday 5th December saw the first Nordic Walking introductory day at the Ramblers Worldwide Offices at Lemsford Mill. The Nordic gods who seem to control our weather these days gave us a bright cold day with a dusting of snow.
Sun, 03 Jan 2016
As a new employee in the company and having worked with predominantly young people in the past I was keen to see how Ramblers Worldwide Holidays operates with young people.
Tue, 12 Oct 2010
“Hassness, a fabulous place for walking in the Lake District”. This is how one of the French members of our group (17 French, 1 German and 2 British walkers) from the French Alps, described his impressions of his week’s stay in the beautiful house of Hassness on the shore of Buttermere.